Sheena Murder Case

Sheena Murder Case

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A to Z story of the Sheena Bora murder case:
A & B (a couple in Guwahati) adopt C (a girl).
When C is a teenager, she is allegedly impregnated by X (who
is believed to be a close family member).
C leaves the house and gives birth to Z (a baby girl).
C then gets married to D.
C & D give birth to E (a boy).
C then divorces D and gets married to F.
C & F give birth to G.
After a few years, C & F get divorced.
C then comes to Mumbai and marries H.
Z & G then comes to Mumbai and stays with C & H.
E stays back in Guwahati.
H has a son I from a previous marriage with J.
Z & I get into a relationship, which is not approved by C & H.
C & D get together and murder Z.
It is later alleged that X is actually A.
It is also alleged that Z refused to part with an enormous
amount of money which was parked in her offshore account
by C.
Enraged by this, C alongwith D plotted to murder Z.
Confused..??? You aren't alone, everyone else is equally or
more confused.

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